Why Continuing Physical Therapy in Napa County, CA After Recovery Is a Good Idea
October 4, 2019 10:36 pm Leave your thoughtsYou likely see your doctor every year for an annual health checkup and go to the dentist every six months for cleanings. These are typical medical/health appointments that most people make like clockwork, but we’d bet you never considered visiting a physical therapist for general reasons. This mentality has a lot to do with the belief that physical injury is a prerequisite for scheduling time with a physical therapist. But this is simply not true—physical therapy is actually a form of preventative care, and many people can benefit from it.
Here’s a look at why continuing physical therapy in Napa County, CA after recovery is a good idea, as well as some other reasons why you might be able to benefit from physical therapy.
You’ve recovered and want to keep feeling better
It’s quite normal for physical therapy patients to continue seeing a physical therapist after being declared healed. A person might want to be sure their body has really healed before ending their physical therapy sessions—especially someone who has gone through excruciating physical pain due to injury. At this point, your mental wellbeing could use help. If continuing physical therapy makes your mind feel better, then don’t stop until you’re really ready.
Another reason for more sessions is just knowing you need more time with your physical therapist. While the therapist and your doctor may say you’ve recovered, the injured part of your body is telling you otherwise. Insist on another evaluation or continue scheduling treatments on your own.
You’re physically fine, but you still find it beneficial
There’s no rule saying you can’t see a physical therapist unless you’ve been injured in a car, sports or home accident or physically harmed in another way. In fact, seeing a physical therapist even when you feel great is beneficial for some people. Booking appointments every so often helps the body maintain function and avoid injury. It also helps encourage proper posture, which is especially useful for office workers who sit at a desk all day or folks who hit the gym hard several times a week.
You need a diagnosis for a physical issue
The traditional job of physical therapists is to work with people who need help healing from an injury. This type of healthcare service can restore proper bodily movement and strengthen muscles and other tissues to avoid further injury to the area. Once your physical therapist determines how they can help you, they will use strength building exercises geared toward the injury site. The goal is to strengthen important muscles, restore alignment and improve mobility.
You’re training for an event or starting a sport
The job of trainers and coaches is to guide you toward success on the field, track or court, but it’s a physical therapist who guides you safely through exercise. Whether you’re new to a sport or been active a long time, physical therapy may work in your favor.
Scheduling a preventative appointment with a physical therapist is a good start for anyone in good health or those interested in continuing physical therapy in Napa County, CA. Contact the offices of Focus Forward Wellness & Physical Therapy today to learn more about how we can help you.
Categorised in: Physical Therapy
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